Smelting equipments
Medium frequence iductions owens
- 1 pc 500 kg
- 1 pc 200 kg
- 1 pc 100 kg
Shaping technologies
- Waterglass – sand – manual and rammed shaping
- S paddle sandmixer
- Carbonated water (H2CO3) tank
- Sand tank
Founding techniques
- Sandshape
- Spin-dryer
Peel-shape and seedbakeing waxsand
- High precision foundig (0.1 – 0.2 mm ie.)
Iso and lab techniques
- 100 t breaking machine
- Spectograph quality check
- Sandanalyser
Other technologies
- Spin speckle diffusor
- Manual felx cleaning
- Dust dosage gas cutter for large size foundings
- Cutting workshop, lathe, plane
- Fermenting
Lóci Steel and Iron Foundry
1131 Budapest, Szomszéd u 22.
Iron Foundry
3175 Nagylóc Ipartelep
Phone/ Fax: +3632/543.035
Mobile: +3630/9.326.710